Monday, 9 March 2015

The Sun’s Page 3 cynicism isn’t just about lust. It’s about resentment and power

Illustration by Ben Jennings

What this article focuses on how page three will be soon extinct. It also mentions that if anyone thought that the sun has lost publicity, they are wrong, portraying William Hague as a dead parrot, sticking two fingers quite literally up to Jacques Delors advising the last person out of Britain to turn the lights off, and has proved them wrong. From rejoicing feminists to the embittered Twitter troglodytes calling them jealous old cows, we fell for it; from the BBC to the broadsheets. Gotcha, as the saying goes.

 I personally think that this demonstrates the power that organisation have over people. This goes to prove the Marxist theory correctly, there's a small amount of people in power who control our ideologies and in this example our success with our complaints. They try to make people feel as if they can make a change by letting complain as if it'll help but the final decision is not up to the public, it’s up to the small elite in power. Pluralists mention that the media owners are the ones to be held responsible in the way that they manage information as what they play on television or show in news papers is primarly based on what the audience want to see. This theory relates to this topic as if the audience don’t want to see boobs in page three, they don’t need to anymore. 

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