Monday, 9 March 2015

Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media get on message with youngster

Snapchat Discover: partners include Daily Mail, Vice and Yahoo

The Daily Mail, Vice Media and Snap chat, the messaging app once mainly known for sexting, might seem unlikely allies in shaping the future of media distribution. But in the frenetic search for the next big social media platform, it seems media organisations are prepared to accept unlikely bedfellows in the name of necessity just in case. There was a case last week when Vice and Mail joined CCN, Comsopolitan, national Geographic and other media brands on Snap chat.  Media partners have created what snap chat calls editions, a bunch of stories that only stay up for 24 hours in which the Snapchat editorial team also help into providing the content, for instance, on Fridays they put up an extra edit called TGIF which means Thank God Its Friday.

I think that this is a good cause and that joining each other’s app together will improve their popularity and how well they are known, this is linked to them making more money as well as they are advertising other companies as everyone is currently on snap chat. I also think that making an edit for special days such as Fridays is very intelligent as if there a festive celebration in Italy but not here, we can be made aware and eventually learn more about everyone’s festive holidays around the world.

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