Monday, 9 March 2015

Is Twitter bad for economic growth?

Bank of England Andy Haldane is worried about shorter attention spans damaging growth prospects.

What if twitter’s increase in their usage is the evidence of a decline in attention spans? The same short attention that causes creativity cuts of the educational achievement, investment and prompt premiership bosses to be fired mid-season. Like most practitioners of science he stops short to express his view on the issue. In this article there are elements of truth as the popularity of twitter is causing twitter to miss the main element of truth  as the popularity of twitter has increased so much in the last years which was even able to surpass Facebook, It is a bit worrying as twitter is making a lot of money and other social network sites that used to be the good stuff few years ago don’t even have competition. We live in the year where not having twittered makes you weird. 

 I think that I agree with this article, twitter is becoming so popular in the society that we live in that other social network sites don’t even have competition anymore. It’s gotten to the point where only adults use Facebook, apart from that, kids most likely use twitter, instagram or snap chat. Kids keep on adapting to everything  that everyone else does that if a social network sites gets used by a small propotion of society, it will most likely cause everyone else to use it .

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