Sunday 22 March 2015

1.       Beyonce Partition video fits perfectly with Alavarado’s humorous category. Beyonce is a famous female artist who is known throughout most parts of the world.  One of the reasons to why this is categorised as an exotic video is due to her costume and her dance moves that she is presenting.  Her clothing that is demonstrated in the video happen to be very tight and very sexual. The dancing moves are also very sexual.
2.       Kevin heart is one of the top comedians and in the clip he is pretending to be a police offer as he tapes the area acting like a crime just took place in it. This is comic as the man standing in the middle insists that Kevin pays the fine as he is not aware that this is comedy.
3.       This clip originated from Kidulthood . It fits with the Alvarado theory of ‘dangerous’ section as there clips demonstrates two males fighting, one of the character is demonstrated to be kicking the other character as he is on the floor. The main character Sam beats up the boyfriends. This makes Sam appear to be dangerous and someone that people stay away from, this perfectly fits with Alvarado‘s category of danger.

1. This clip that originated from Bend it like Beckham demonstrates Jess placing the ‘white mask’ as she tries hard to fit in. Jess comes from what one argues to be a strict Indian family. Due to culture differences, her family does not allow her to participate in sports such as football. Jess goes against her family values and belief. She builds two lives, one where she plays football by telling her parents that she is going work. This represents how she goes against her family by doing something that her eastern cultures don’t allow to take place.
2.  The next clip is taken Goodness Gracious Me. It is a comedic version of Top gear. This fits in with Fanon’s theory as they are putting on the ‘white mask’ by trying to get the audience to find it comic and laugh it. This can show them trying to fit in with the British society.
The black president in 24 is also presented as someone who is putting on the white mask as he is taking the famous role of being a president which has been a dominant white role for many years. Furthermore, in  24 there are workers who aren’t white who have power and authority.


Django unchained shows how the breaks free of a black slave when a white man finds himself on a mission. The clip shows the reinforcement of Saids theory as the eastern society being uncivilised as he hurts people being killing them. Futhermore, the white man that happen to rescue Django has power and of course authority.  
Citizen Khan is comedic programme which shows the events that take place in a British family. It begins with Muslim men praying showing that they are committed to their religion, beliefs and values. Mr kahn is humorous but still goes the mosque and sticks to the religion.
12 years a slave demonstrates the western society was presented as powerful as they were in charge of the black slaves. The western society was society was presented as uncivilised for having slaves; the slaves were in the other hand was presented as civilised as they were not rebelling or doing anything, they were following orders. 

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