Sunday 22 March 2015

1) Read the article and summarise each section in one sentence, starting with the section 'Who are you?'
The first section looks closely at how people see themselves differently from who they really are, we live in a society were media and role models shape that we are.
The next section focuses on how people are based on traditional values such as race and religion
The next section looks at the additional things that people need for survival, media makes people buy additional things that are not necessarily needed. The next section focuses on how we have brands now representing us. The next section looks at how people use the internet as the internet helps people remain anonymous and they can see anything through the internet that can’t be used against them.  Class, brand, religion and status does not affect anyone.

2) List five brands you are happy to be associated with and explain how they reflect your sense of identity.
New look- most of my clothes are from there and it represents me
Apple- ever since my first iphone, I’ve been buying their products.
Mac- I love their make up and I use it
Nike- I love their trainers and I used to purchase from them a lot

3) Do you agree with the view that modern media is all about 'style over substance'? What does this expression mean?
Post modern criticises it as they see the identity in the media as being shallow and not leading people’s culture to become ‘style over substance’ Furthermore, there is an addition to how dominant the mass media has become.

4) Explain Baudrillard's theory of 'media saturation' in one paragraph. You may need to research it online to find out more.
Baudrillard calls ‘media saturation’ results of placing high factors of physical higher than internal traits that are more important.

5) Is your presence on social media an accurate reflection of who you are? Have you ever added or removed a picture from a social media site purely because of what it says about the type of person you are?
I think that the pictures that I put on social media are a reflection of me. It is me in the pictures after all. But I think that through instagram one can show their appearance and also show a little message at the bottom of the picture which helps.

6) What is your opinion on 'data mining'? Are you happy for companies to sell you products based on your social media presence and online search terms? Is this an invasion of privacy?

I personally disagree with companies using our information. I do believe that this is a great invasion of privacy. I believe that they should try ask people if their information could be used because after all the information belongs to them and its not there for companies to misuse it and manipulate people into thinking that its customised.

1.       Beyonce Partition video fits perfectly with Alavarado’s humorous category. Beyonce is a famous female artist who is known throughout most parts of the world.  One of the reasons to why this is categorised as an exotic video is due to her costume and her dance moves that she is presenting.  Her clothing that is demonstrated in the video happen to be very tight and very sexual. The dancing moves are also very sexual.
2.       Kevin heart is one of the top comedians and in the clip he is pretending to be a police offer as he tapes the area acting like a crime just took place in it. This is comic as the man standing in the middle insists that Kevin pays the fine as he is not aware that this is comedy.
3.       This clip originated from Kidulthood . It fits with the Alvarado theory of ‘dangerous’ section as there clips demonstrates two males fighting, one of the character is demonstrated to be kicking the other character as he is on the floor. The main character Sam beats up the boyfriends. This makes Sam appear to be dangerous and someone that people stay away from, this perfectly fits with Alvarado‘s category of danger.

1. This clip that originated from Bend it like Beckham demonstrates Jess placing the ‘white mask’ as she tries hard to fit in. Jess comes from what one argues to be a strict Indian family. Due to culture differences, her family does not allow her to participate in sports such as football. Jess goes against her family values and belief. She builds two lives, one where she plays football by telling her parents that she is going work. This represents how she goes against her family by doing something that her eastern cultures don’t allow to take place.
2.  The next clip is taken Goodness Gracious Me. It is a comedic version of Top gear. This fits in with Fanon’s theory as they are putting on the ‘white mask’ by trying to get the audience to find it comic and laugh it. This can show them trying to fit in with the British society.
The black president in 24 is also presented as someone who is putting on the white mask as he is taking the famous role of being a president which has been a dominant white role for many years. Furthermore, in  24 there are workers who aren’t white who have power and authority.


Django unchained shows how the breaks free of a black slave when a white man finds himself on a mission. The clip shows the reinforcement of Saids theory as the eastern society being uncivilised as he hurts people being killing them. Futhermore, the white man that happen to rescue Django has power and of course authority.  
Citizen Khan is comedic programme which shows the events that take place in a British family. It begins with Muslim men praying showing that they are committed to their religion, beliefs and values. Mr kahn is humorous but still goes the mosque and sticks to the religion.
12 years a slave demonstrates the western society was presented as powerful as they were in charge of the black slaves. The western society was society was presented as uncivilised for having slaves; the slaves were in the other hand was presented as civilised as they were not rebelling or doing anything, they were following orders. 

1.       Summarise the three theorists we have looked at:
Alvarado- ‘Four representations of black people’ these include dangerous, exotic, pitied and humorous.
Fanon- ‘Putting on the white mask’ Fanon said that non- white people try so hard to fit in with society by behaving how white people do by putting on a ‘white mask.’
Said- ‘East vs West’ this is the theory of orientalism that mentions how it is believed that the western society is more civilised than the eastern society.

2) Watch the opening of Yasmin (2004) again. Does it offer a positive or negative view of British Muslims? To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Edward Said's theory of Orientalism - that the west is superior to the exotic or uncivilised east?
The opening of Yasmin gives British Muslim both a negative as well as a positive view.  From one perspective, the opening demonstrates Muslim men praying which one could argue it is highlighting their values and beliefs as well their commitment to religion. This represents the Muslim in Britain as people who righteous and who have a great religious sense.  Furthermore, the clip demonstrates a boy who is studying about his religion which reinforces the idea of the Muslims in Britain being harshly committed to their religion.  In the On the other hand, however, one could argue that Yasmin does necessarily offer a positive representation of Muslims in Britain. One could argue that her representation in the clip of her living a two sided life doesn’t make Muslims appear positive. One could argue that this relates to Fanon theory of people trying to put on a ‘white mask’ in order to fit in with society as she leaves the house wearing traditional clothes and then shortly changes into casual jeans and a top which is a westernised outfit.  This perfectly fits with Fanon ‘s theory of putting the white mask on. Yasmin also gets rid of her ring before going to work so she can be friendly to her colleagues, this could also be interpreted as her trying to be fitting in.

Moreover, although one could argue that although Yasmin is presented as someone who’s trying hard to fit in, her husband is presented as someone who’s uncivilised as he puts his finger in the jar of peanut butter as he eats it and repeats the process which makes him look uncivilised and non-westernised. Another thing that one could argue that is not very westernised is his rudeness to the little boy who is staring at him. To conclude, I personally believe that Yasmin reinforces the theory of Orientalism.

3) Finally, choose THREE clips for EACH of the theorists and explain how you could apply that theory to the clip. Pick a selection of clips on YouTube from TV, film, music video or advertising and embed them in your blog before writing your analysis under each clip.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Media Magazine extended feature on the media coverage of the UK riots (MM38 page 5)
1)      How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people? 
The language and images that are used within the coverage that the riots received presented young people as being ‘out of control’ and ‘young thugs.’ This then resulted in young people having a negative representation, although the exams results that showed couple weeks later showed that GCSE and Alevel students showed ‘achieved record passes.’
2)      Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonisation of the working class?
Buckingham mention how in one of Jones recent books, Chas as it looks how the working class became an object of ‘fear and ridicule.’ His point shows how certain stereotypes were created shortly after the rioters did what they did. One could argue that this stereotype was overly and harshly bias as it focused on what the rioters did which was only a small percentage of teenagers.

3)      What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?
The IPOS survey claimed that 40% of newspaper articles focused on youths having an anti-social behaviour, violent behaviour and a criminal behaviour and that 71% of them described youths negatively. In addition to this, stories described teenage boys as ‘yobs, thugs, sick, feral, hoodies, louts, heartless, frightening and scum.’ This shows how negatively youths are presented in the media and surely the media has its way of manipulating people.

4)      How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?
Moral Panic was invented during the London rioters were rioting as it caused ‘threats to societal values.’ People were generally panicking and didn’t want to be involved in this riot as it could’ve caused troubles. News industries also added to the effect of the moral panic by focusing on these stories and possibly exaggerating the situation to buy their audiences.
5)      What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots?
Elements that are included in popular culture such as rap music, computer games and reality television shows were blamed for encouraging this behaviour of the rioters, they were blamed them for encouraging this. Also, the use of BBM at the time was a major contribution as people were using as a source of information to know where and when to go riot.  

6)      How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?
Social media was also blamed for having contributions. Social network sites such Twitter, facebook and blackberries were blamed for encouraging this behaviour as they were a source of valuable information for these rioters. The police even threatened to turn the internet off so people wouldn’t be able to reach each other and contact.

7)      The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots? 
Many people have made several comments about the riots and who they believe to have encouraged this behaviour specifically. The opinions of leaders was the one that was most likely to affect people as they were blaming youths and social networking sites for this riots as well as advanced phones which at the time, was the blackberries.

8)      Alternatively, how might media scholars like Henry Jenkins view the 'tsunami' of blogs, forums and social media comments? Do you agree that this shows the democratisation of the media?
Jenkins celebrated at how many people participated in blogs, forums and social networking sites. I personally think that it shows a major contribution of democratisation of how media affects people’s lives and not in all cases is an advantage.

9)      What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The right wings responses to the rioters could be described as exaggerated as well as extreme. The Daily mail explained that young people were ‘wild breasts’ who responded according to animal impulses to do what they wish to do. In other words, they do whatever comes to mind rather than doing the best thing to do.

10)   What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
On the other hand, the left wing response was evidently opposite. They claimed to drive people to do what they did, there must be an evident reason. Rioters had all rights to do what they did and therefore they shouldn’t be insulted.

11)   What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?

In my personal view, there are many views to why the rioters did what they did. I think its too harsh to insult youths in general just because of what a small proportion of them did. I believe that the riots had reasons to do what they did but they didn’t necessarily have the right to do what they did. I absolutely do not believe that popular culture encouraged the youths who were involved to do what they did, if that was the case, everyone who has an popular culture would’ve been involved.

12)   How can capitalism be blamed for the riots? What media theory (from our new/digital media unit) can this be linked to?
       I think that capitalism can he harshly blamed for the rioters. Capitalism causes small elite to           have it all, luxuries and rights that other don’t have, such as not paying for taxes. Most people with power and possessions didn’t necessarily work for it, some of them just inherited. Rioters could feel that since they are unfairly   privileged than they cause earn those privileges by doing what they did.

13)   Were people involved in the riots given a voice in the media to explain their participation?
People who were involved in the rioters were obviously not given any voice. If they received the coverage that they fought for, people wouldn’t be blaming youths for what they did, rather they would come to have a mutual understanding

14)   In the Guardian website's investigation into the causes of the riots, they did interview rioters themselves. Read this Guardian article from their Reading the Riots academic research project - what causes are outlined by those involved in the disturbances?
The Guardian collected over 1.3 million words of first person accounts from the rioters. This could be seen as secondary data that was used to deduce about the rioters. Some of the reasons involved tuition fees, no luxuries, unemployment and the shooting of Mark Duggan and scrapping of the education maintenance allowance.

15)   What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?

In my opinion, having sympathy for the rioters is only natural. Although what they did was wrong, people have had employment issues as well as having problems paying for things. I believe that far too many people were involved for the police to result in arresting them and giving them long sentences.  Things that could help is an increase of employment, make essential things cheaper as well as lowering the university fees.

Monday 9 March 2015

The Sun’s Page 3 cynicism isn’t just about lust. It’s about resentment and power

Illustration by Ben Jennings

What this article focuses on how page three will be soon extinct. It also mentions that if anyone thought that the sun has lost publicity, they are wrong, portraying William Hague as a dead parrot, sticking two fingers quite literally up to Jacques Delors advising the last person out of Britain to turn the lights off, and has proved them wrong. From rejoicing feminists to the embittered Twitter troglodytes calling them jealous old cows, we fell for it; from the BBC to the broadsheets. Gotcha, as the saying goes.

 I personally think that this demonstrates the power that organisation have over people. This goes to prove the Marxist theory correctly, there's a small amount of people in power who control our ideologies and in this example our success with our complaints. They try to make people feel as if they can make a change by letting complain as if it'll help but the final decision is not up to the public, it’s up to the small elite in power. Pluralists mention that the media owners are the ones to be held responsible in the way that they manage information as what they play on television or show in news papers is primarly based on what the audience want to see. This theory relates to this topic as if the audience don’t want to see boobs in page three, they don’t need to anymore. 

British jihadi who faked his own death to return to UK is jailed for 12 years

Imran Khawaja, who spent six months with the Rayat al-Tawheed insurgents Syria.

A British jihadi, has taken an appearance in 'horrific and deeply disturbing' propaganda video and he faked his own death to be able to successfully return to the Uk from a Syrian camp in which hes been jaileld for 12 years. Imran Khawaja, 27, nicknamed “Barbie”, posed with severed heads, dead fighters and child soldiers during a six-month stint with Rayat al-Tawheed (RAT) insurgents in Syria last year. He complained to some of his friends say he had 'enough' of the conditions of the lack of toiletries, cocoa butter, and condoms for the “war booty”.

My view on this is that what he did was on all grounds wrong. He went to Syria to be part of a terrorist group and thought it was acceptable to come into the uk without facing any troubles or charges. It is important that the authorities here dealt with him adequately as what he did was wrong and he could influence the people that live in the uk therefore its every essentially important that they deal with it. 

Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media get on message with youngster

Snapchat Discover: partners include Daily Mail, Vice and Yahoo

The Daily Mail, Vice Media and Snap chat, the messaging app once mainly known for sexting, might seem unlikely allies in shaping the future of media distribution. But in the frenetic search for the next big social media platform, it seems media organisations are prepared to accept unlikely bedfellows in the name of necessity just in case. There was a case last week when Vice and Mail joined CCN, Comsopolitan, national Geographic and other media brands on Snap chat.  Media partners have created what snap chat calls editions, a bunch of stories that only stay up for 24 hours in which the Snapchat editorial team also help into providing the content, for instance, on Fridays they put up an extra edit called TGIF which means Thank God Its Friday.

I think that this is a good cause and that joining each other’s app together will improve their popularity and how well they are known, this is linked to them making more money as well as they are advertising other companies as everyone is currently on snap chat. I also think that making an edit for special days such as Fridays is very intelligent as if there a festive celebration in Italy but not here, we can be made aware and eventually learn more about everyone’s festive holidays around the world.

Is Twitter bad for economic growth?

Bank of England Andy Haldane is worried about shorter attention spans damaging growth prospects.

What if twitter’s increase in their usage is the evidence of a decline in attention spans? The same short attention that causes creativity cuts of the educational achievement, investment and prompt premiership bosses to be fired mid-season. Like most practitioners of science he stops short to express his view on the issue. In this article there are elements of truth as the popularity of twitter is causing twitter to miss the main element of truth  as the popularity of twitter has increased so much in the last years which was even able to surpass Facebook, It is a bit worrying as twitter is making a lot of money and other social network sites that used to be the good stuff few years ago don’t even have competition. We live in the year where not having twittered makes you weird. 

 I think that I agree with this article, twitter is becoming so popular in the society that we live in that other social network sites don’t even have competition anymore. It’s gotten to the point where only adults use Facebook, apart from that, kids most likely use twitter, instagram or snap chat. Kids keep on adapting to everything  that everyone else does that if a social network sites gets used by a small propotion of society, it will most likely cause everyone else to use it .

Mail Online soars past 200m monthly browsers as newspaper sites bounce back

Mail Online: broke the 200 million monthly uniques barrier in January
Mail Online powered past 200 million of monthly browsers for the first time in January ever. The Daily Mail website has supringly increased to 224,934,062 increases on the previous month, as the latest Audit Bureau of circulations figures published on Thursday. It comfortably remained one of the most popular websites in the Uk with its traffic rising by a percentage of 13.9%. All the other national newspaper sites recorded what they gained after the traditional December traffic with stories such as Hebdo attack from helping drive traffic.

From this article, one can deduce that Mail Online is definitely proud for how they increased in popularity. We can understand that Daily mail is doing better than most of the other websites. It is something that we can see that they are proud of and sort of showing off about as they feel that the competition that they have is very minimum. Having a popular newspaper as well as a popular website is a great achievement.

Brian Williams has gone, but false news is bigger business than ever

Brian Williams, NBD

Every journalist seems to understand that there are some stories that are too good to check. It’s a warning label on some of the tales that probably beg to be true when they probably aren’t.  In the pre-social media era if someone was to publish a story that wasn’t true chances are that nobody would be able to catch on their lies and therefore there wouldn’t be any problems. However, in today’s society if a story that contains lies is published, chances are that they would catch on their lies so it’s hard for them to keep the truth away. It was recently discovered that Jayson Blair a New York Times reporter has plagiarised a dozens of stories.

I think that what this article is subtly pointing at is the importance of citizen Journalism. In the pre social media era, people didn’t posses smart phones, and many social media that emerged later, didn’t exist. With the society we live in today, not having a smart phone, possibly an iphone, is something shocking. And these smart phones have made it possible for people to do citizen journalism were they capture important pictures of videos of a story that is shown on the news and make it go viral so the credibility of the news paper goes down by ruining its rank within other companies. 

Brands must take advantage of Twitter's personal touch


Today every area of business and its performance is tracked assessed and possibly evaluated. For instance on twitter, people would either bad mouth a company or say good comments which could help the company in the competitive field that they are in. After all, there are many metrics to measure the importance and performance of a company on social network sites.- not least the number of followers and retweets. Its almost like the people that have social network sites have the ability to comment on the performance of a company by tracking its performance, assessing it and evaluating it. 
I think that to some extent this is good as companies can not get away for things that they used to get away before. We now live in a society were if people do not agree with your points, or they feel that a company lacks in credibility, they can send a company away.

Ferguson’s citizen journalists revealed the value of an undeniable video

ferguson men cell phones

In Missouri, Ferguson this week, the public have started the notion of 'see something, say something' back on the state using the tool of digital as its a tool with enormous power within it. Their efforts, which bagan after an unarmed black man was unfairly shot whilst unarmed, Mike Brown, people have began to bring international attention to Mike 
Browndeath and how the law enforcement didn't appropriately deal with the case which is why people have been responding using protests. 
 I personally feel that this new notion 'see something, say something' will be a total success. I feel happy that those people who are treated unfairly by the police force finally joined forces and started to do something to stop these cases from happening. Its the thing where this has been happening for years- unfairness towards black people that is. The fact that people are finally standing up to this and doing something about it is something that shoudl've happen years ago.

Why more men should fight for women’s rights

Men march in Istanbul for women’s rights after the murder of Özgecan Aslan

Ozgecan Aslan was a psychology student with dreams, fears and aspirations like anyone else, he was tortured and then murdered by another man. Normally, she would've become an addition to another statistic of male violence against women, but in Turkey and neighbouring Azerbaijan she has become an icon. Across twitter, Turkish women have responded by sharing their experiences of harassment, sexualisation and abuse. Men have taken this protest to the streets by wearing miniskirts and protesting against women and those who play down for it.
My personal opinion towards this is that its finally time for this to take place. This has been going on for so long, men always being unfair to women and people have just taken it without doing anything against it. For men to finally understand that the unfairness that women face everyday, the sexism, rape and harrassment isn't something that people should shut their eyes on. 

No More Page 3

1) Research the No More Page 3 campaign. Who started it and why?

The campaign began during August 2012 with the petition asking The Suns editor Dominic Mohan whether they should remove images of topless women in page 3. The petition had accrued 84,000 signatures by March and in January the petition reached a great amount of 215,000 signatures.  In February 2013 the campaign ran a tweet Murdoch day asking supports to flood Murdoch with messages, the company has done a lot to get rid of page three as the founder of this campaign believed that it is highly sexualising women as sexual objects and it encourages Mulveys theory of the male gaze which then causes young males to grown with the wrong values. 

2) What are the six reasons the campaign gives for why Page 3 has to go?
1) It’s 2014! Page 3 was first introduced in the sexist 1970s. A lot has changed over the last 30+ years in our society, we think it’s time The Sun caught up…
2) It’s soft porn in the UK’s no.1 selling family newspaper that children are exposed to. Until 2003 the models were only 16 (and made to dress up in school ties and hats – seriously!) It’s never been OK. One day we’ll look back on this and think “oh my goodness, we did what?!”
3) What does it teach children? They see page after page of pictures of men in clothes doing stuff (running the country, having opinions, achieving in sport!) and what are the women doing in this society they’re learning about? Not much really, other than standing topless in their pants showing their bare breasts for men. It’s not really fair, is it?
4) Women say, do and think so many interesting and incredible things and should be celebrated for their many achievements. They are people, not things! Not ‘that’. The fact that we hear ‘look at the tits on that’ or ‘I’d do that’ is disgusting, disrespectful and objectifying. Page 3 of The Sun is the icon that perpetuates and normalises this horrible sexist ‘banter’.
5) Every single weekday for the last 44 years in The Sun newspaper the largest female image has been of a young woman (usually of a very particular age, race, physicality) showing her breasts for men, sending out a powerful message that whatever else a woman achieves, her primary role is to serve men sexually. Pretty rubbish that really.
6) The Sun newspaper could be so much stronger without Page 3. Because currently, any story they run about women’s issues such as rape, sexual abuse, harassment, domestic violence or the dangers of online porn is drowned out and contradicted by the neon flashing sign of Page 3 that says ‘shut up, girls, and get your tits out.’

3) Read this debate in the Guardian regarding whether the campaign should be dropped. What are Barbara Ellen and Susan Boniface's contrasting opinions in the debate?

The article explores how page three is wrong but it also explores why it is positive. I looks at how its an income for females who pose for page 3 and getting rid of it could cause so models to be out of business. They also put forward the argument that celebrities always pose for nudes so this isn’t really that different. They show both the pro and against argument to this. I think it is always good to consider both sides to an argument as it shows the negatives as well as the positive. If only the negatives was shown this wouldnt be a structured argument with a valid point. 

4) How can the No More Page 3 campaign be linked to the idea of post-feminism?
The possible link is made that women have the freedom to do whatever they want and they shouldn’t be hold against it. They also claim that with the more freedom women receive the more they should be allowed to do whatever they want. However, it is a valid point that the more women receive rights, the more they sabotage themselves and become only an object to the male gaze which is a theory put through by Mulvey which mentions how the media uses women to please the male gaze.

5) What are your OWN views on the No More Page 3 campaign? Do you agree with the campaign's aims? Should the campaign continue?
I believe that the campaign against page 3 should be continued until success. I believe that it is wrong to sexualise women in such manner and I think that women shouldn't be seen as an object. However, I think that it should be considered that some people's live depends on it, The sun might not have that extra element that makes the newspaper special and therefore people might end up having financial problems especially the models as their lives might revolve around having this job, I think it is however a fair campaign to be put through.

6) Do you agree that we are in a post-feminist state or is there still a need for feminism?

In my opinion we still need feminism, I think feminists need to start many campaigns against many things that go against female rights and make females out to be sexual objects which then encourage rape. I also believe that so far feminism has done an incredible job and it simply needs to continue carrying out their duties as there is still unfairness going on which are not currently taken seriously, The company has done a lot to get rid of page three as the founder of this campaign believed that it is highly sexualising women as sexual objects and it encourages Mulveys theory of the male gaze which then causes young males to grown with the wrong values. 

1)      Read Playing With The Past: Post-feminism and the Media (MM40, page 64 - ourMedia Magazine archive is here).

2) What are the two texts the article focuses on?

Pan Am, Beyonce

3) What examples are provided from the two texts of the 'male gaze' (Mulvey)?

pan am- stewardess are used and these are considered to be looked up to and aspired; this is an official example of the male gaze.
beyonce- In her video, there is her wearing an outfit that exposes her as well as her winking. This causes Beyonce to be objectified and be seen as a sexual objectified which highlights the male gaze that was mentioned by Mulvey

4) Do texts such as these show there is no longer a need for feminism or are they simply sexism in a different form?
I this it’s hard to hold a view against that point. One could argue that the job of feminism is completed as women are now freely doing things they wouldn’t have done years ago. However, one could argue that with more rights, women are just ruining their images and becoming victims to men. It is hard to hold a view as both arguments are debateble, in some sense they have done a lot for women and in other sense, there is still a long way to go as there is still is unfairness that till this takes place, there is still sexism and victimization going on.

5) Choose three words/phrases from the glossary of the article and write their definitions on your blog.

Feminism- the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
Post-feminism – is a reaction against some perceived contradictions and absences of second-wave feminism. The term post-feminism is ill-defined and is used in inconsistent ways. It was historically used to pose a contrast with a prevailing or preceding feminism.
Third wave feminism – Proponents of third-wave feminism claim that it allows women to define feminism for themselves by incorporating their own identities into the belief system of what feminism is and what it can become through one's own perspective.
Patriarchy – a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
Male Gaze – is a term discussed by Laura Mulvey in her essay, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" (1975). It is used to describe when the audience is put into the perspective of a (heterosexual) man. Female characters are sexualized, and the camera may zero in on female body parts considered sexual.

1)      Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragraph

The story views how four notes in the UK currency mostly have males who have rightfully earned it.
2) What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
This firstly began Caroline Criao Perez appearance on the news, the feminist won battles with the Bank of England to reinstate a woman on the back of English money.
3) In your opinion, is this an example of a valid campaign or something of a witchhunt against people who are not doing any serious harm?
I personally think that she has a fair point. I think women in England who are successful don’t have a chance to appear on English banknotes in honour to be remembered for their successful work.

2)      Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragraph
The article focuses on the way females have the ability to speak about when they feel they are being threatened or abused.
What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?

In my opinion this is arguable and I can understand where they come from, the methods used could be perfected but the argument is nonetheless valid.
dentities and the media: Feminism Online
1)Ched Evans, the footballer convicted of rape has faced various criticisms from fans and women's group who have argued that him returning to the sport should be denied. No one was more active than Jean Hatchet who has collected over 160.000 signatures to stop him from coming back to the sport. And she began the latest internet campaign to stop his possible signing by Oldham Athletic, which was backed by more than 21,000 people in less than 24 hours and appears to have helped persuade the League One side to put the brakes on offering him a long-term deal.
2) The initial incident that caused this was the conviction of Ched Evans as a rapist and many females who were offended by this rebelled by trying to stop him from returning to the sport.
3) In my opinion this was not a good enough cause and I believe that it has been exaggerated. He already had things to deal with (conviction.) I also believe that this caused could be argued was unasked for. There is a huge amount of men who are convicted of rape and most of them don't find it hard to resume with their lives.  
1)      Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragraph
The story views how four notes in the UK currency mostly have males who have rightfully earned it.
2) What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
This firstly began Caroline Criao Perez appearance on the news, the feminist won battles with the Bank of England to reinstate a woman on the back of English money.
3) In your opinion, is this an example of a valid campaign or something of a witchhunt against people who are not doing any serious harm?
I personally think that she has a fair point. I think women in England who are successful don’t have a chance to appear on English banknotes in honour to be remembered for their successful work.
2)      Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragraph
The article focuses on the way females have the ability to speak about when they feel they are being threatened or abused. It mentions how women are too vulnerable to talk about something thats been effecting them in terms of reporting, due to this rape is under reported and under detected women find it hard to talk about sensitive topics like this.
What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?
In my opinion this is arguable and I can understand where they come from, the methods used could be perfected but the argument is nonetheless valid. I respect the cause and they are doing, although changes to improve it could be made, they do put through a valid point

Identities and the media: feminism online

Key notes

Waves of feminism
First wave: early 20th century, suffragette movement (right to vote).
Second wave: 1960s – 1990s, reproductive rights (pill), abortion, equal pay.
Third wave: 1990s – present, empowerment, reclaiming of femininity (high heels, sexuality etc. See Angela McRobbie's work on women's magazines).
Fourth wave? 2010 – ongoing, use of new technology (e.g. Twitter) for activism.

Fourth wave?
Many commentators argue that the internet itself has enabled a shift from ‘third-wave’ to ‘fourth-wave’ feminism. What is certain is that the internet has created a ‘call-out’ culture, in which sexism or misogyny can be ‘called out’ and challenged. 

This culture is indicative of the continuing influence of the third wave, with its focus on challenging sexism and misogyny in advertising, film, television and the media. 

Key quote: “power users of social media”

The internet has facilitated the creation of a global community of feminists who use the internet both for discussion and activism. 

According to #FemFuture: Online Feminism, a report recently published by Columbia University’s Barnard Center for Research on Women, females aged between 18 and 29 are the ‘power users of social networking’.
Russian lesbians stage selfie kiss plane protest
Women kiss on a plane from Moscow to St Petersburg in front of sleeping politician to protest against anti-gay policies

This is an image of two lesbian women kissing on a plane. This image went viral on twitter, youtube even instagram. Many people were debating to whether this is appropriate and that if women wanted to continue to be lesbians they shouldn't be exposing themselves like that.  People were arguing that if two women doing this in public shouldn't be allowed and that it should be against the law to be publicly doing this as it teaches young children the wrong thing. 
My personal point of view is that homosexuality isn't something that one is taught during childhood, therefore it isnt something that should be exposed in public. Kids are taught that just like their parents, they should fall for someone in the opposite gender and eventually have kids. If kids are shown homesexuality in public, they will only assume that it is something thats okay for them to do, and due to this fact, many parents have made complaints to whether an act of homesexuality should be allowed in public.

BBC defends Mohammed Emwazi coverage

The BBC has defended its coverage of the unmasking of 'Jihadi John' as Mohammed Emwazi

The BBC has defended its coverage of the unmasking of Islamic State fighter Mohammed Emwazi as “Jihadi John” after some viewers accused them of glamorising his cause. Emwazi was named last month and details about his family life and education in west London were uncovered by journalists. The BBC said it had received “some complaints from viewers and listeners who feel there has been too much coverage” of the story. A BBC News spokesman said the story was “globally significant” and the identification of Emwazi was “an important development”.

TV election debates: broadcasters call David Cameron's bluff

David Cameron has offered to take part in one multi-party election debate

Broadcasters and Downing street were at loggerheads on friday after the television companies have made it very clear that they would only press head with the only plans to hold three seperate election to stop chaos from taking place. The network said that they would go ahead and allow the three debates during the election campaign- two of them taking place between the seven party leaders and one proposed between head to head the prime minister and Ed Miliband.
I think this whole idea of having only three debates taking place is a smart idea so there wouldnt be confusion and chaos created as a lot people think that there should be more than one debate taking place when it comes down to the election until the thursday in which the election actually takes place.

Indian ban on rape film is 'international suicide', says director

India's Daughter director Leslee Udwin

The film, India’s daughter was broadcasted in Britain last week on BBC4 and many youtube users have recorded the programme on the website. It is now available on iplayer and the police has said that the ban was imposed as the comments made in the film by one of those who were convicted of the crime created a negative atmosphere of fear and tension.
I think that this is correct as rape films are emotional subject film directors to be exploring. Many feminists would argue that rape is something that females find hard to talk about and making a film based on rape doesn't make it any easier.  

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Why is respected news brands good news for Twitter?
It makes the news that people receive for authentic as most new brands have to make sure they are truthful. If someone were to see something on twitter, someone tweeting about an event, people would probably search it up on news websites as it is authentic and more reassuring for the audience.  
Why in turn is Twitter good for respected news brands?
In a way, twitter has helped them reassure new brands as twitter is famous now and people are most likely to find out about news  websites and help them gain popularity.
The report suggests that old and new media “are not, in fact, in direct competition, but often work extremely well together to enhance both the media eco-system and the consumer experience”. What evidence do they provide to support this idea? Do you agree with it? Taking for example what happened to Mike Brown, people on twitter that were using the hashtag were basing their tweets on what the news reported as well as citizen journalism, and the news was using what it was seen on twitter to make news.
Do you think the increasing amount of gossip or banter is harming the reputation of news and journalists?
I think the amount of gossip and banter is harshly effecting the reputation of news and journalists. This because just mocking a journalist possibly on twitter could cause the denigration of a journalist and the gossip that could possibly go around about a news report could end up ending careers.
Finally, do you think new and digital media developments such as Twitter have had a positive or negative impact on traditional newspapers?

I think it highly does have a positive impact as it helps to reach a wider audience and it helps new papers online websites to reach a wider audience. However it also does have a negative impact as it causes less people to purchase the news paper.
Lecture :
Twitter has become more important as the years have gone by. People can now get careers just by using social networks. He also mentioned how easy it is to become a journalist nowadays. He said that it’d be better for someone to major in something else other than journalism, this because as he said it’s better to bring something new to the table.
Owen Jones, in the other hand, was talking about how the elite still have power and this power effects how the working class appears to be. The working class appearance has worsened as the elite wants to make it seem like the working class are feeding off the government money when really and truly this is not the case. 

Peter Greste: lawyer says release not imminent as deportation request lodged

Jailed Australian journalist Peter Greste.

Journalist Peter Greste has formally lodged paperwork with the Egyptian government, seeking his deportation from the country where he has been imprisoned for more than a year. But his release from prison could still be weeks or months away, as the new presidential power to deport foreign prisoners is tested for the first time. “But we’ve not received any formal indications that a deal has been done,” Flynn said. “We understand that there are ongoing discussions with respect to the application going on between Dfat and their Egyptian counterparts.”

This story is basically based on the fact that Peter has been prisoned in an Arabic country and he wants to try get back in Australia. His family has also filed a report to ask for him back. Everyone thought that maybe he was one step closer to get back to Australia however the changes in the government shows that this might take longer than expected. 

Yemeni reporter killed - the first journalistic fatality of 2015

Sana'a, Yemen

The reporter died on Sunday (4 January) in the city of Dhamar, south of the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. He was one of the four victims of a roadside bomb blast, allegedly carried out by a group called Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
 The other three victims were members of a local police force created by the Houthi militia. Houthis are a Shia sect of Islam.

In my opinion this shows how inequality still exists till this day. Terrorists groups still have the opportunity to do whatever they want and this just shows how the Arabic government isn't strict enough on terrorists activities. The president said, Jim Boumelha, said: “We condemn the killing of al Washali … This killing is a reminder of the mindless violence which continues to prey on unsuspecting members of the public attending events and journalists covering them.”