Tuesday 9 December 2014

A Marxist perspective would argue that the so-called “information revolution” has done little to benefit audiences or to subvert the established power structures in society. Far from being a “great leveller” (Krotoski, 2012) as many have claimed, it has merely helped to reinforce the status quo by promoting dominant ideologies. The most popular news website in the UK by a considerable margin is the ‘Mail Online’, which receives more than 8 million hits every month and is continuing to expand rapidly – with forecasts that it will make £100 million or more in digital revenues in the next three years. Similar to its tabloid print edition, the website takes a Conservative, right-wing perspective on key issues around gender, sexuality and race and audiences appear to passively accept what the Marxist theorist, Gramsci, called a hegemonic view. When one of their chief columnists, Jan Moir, wrote a homophobic article about the death of Stephen Gately in 2009 there were Twitter and Facebook protests but, ultimately, they did not change the editorial direction of the gatekeepers controlling the newspaper.

A pluralist would argue that the audience have a lot of power when it comes down to being powerful in terms of consumption and production. Audiences are now entitled to 'conform, accommodate or reject what they want to watch according to Gurevitch. Also, looking at Katz and Blumers theory of users and gratification, the audiences can watch what they want to watch. Meaning if the audiences didn't appreciate what was being shown on television, they can 'reject' and the programme  is most likely to lose their audience and probably go off air.  Looking at the protest that's taking place in Ferguson for the loss of Mike Brown who was unfairly shot by a police officer, many people are now protesting and going against such a powerful institution. Couple years ago, without citizen journalism, a policeman would've probably gotten away with committing such a thing. However, with the advanced technologies and social sites, the audience can now present their views and not necessarily agree with the important, powerful institution.

It is very apparent that lately, with the technological changes that have appeared, the users feel more dominant and feel like they are able to choose what they want to watch and what they don't want to watch. This takes away the power the news and media had as its now the consumer's choice of what they want to produce. This also refers to Katz and Blumer's theory of the audience watching what they want to watch. Also, another thing that has made the consumers so powerful is arguably, citizen journalism. This is the act of when one who isn't a journalist take pictures or videos that can back the news and which is most likely used later.  The decline in newspaper is also causing the audience to have much more power than they had before. The newspaper is in decline as people can now access news online wherever and through whatever means. This has been causing a great decline in news paper.

The higher institutions such as the police force don't have as much power as they once did. Now, whenever the public feel as if powerful institutions are going against what they should do, the public makes protests and such like the tragic story of Mike Brown. He was shot as he was telling the police officer 'I cant breath.' Due to this tragic event, most people around the world are making protests and complaining, this is undermining the police force and such. There are hash tags that relate to him all of twitter.  

China closing in on Silicon Valley as home of internet giants, research shows

Robin Li, founder and chief executive of Chinese search engine Baidu.

China is eroding Silicon Valley’s pre-eminent position as the home of the world’s largest internet businesses, with two companies making the top 10 by digital media revenue and four among the fastest-growing, according to new research.
Chinese internet giants Tencent and Baidu were the only non-US headquartered companies to make the top 10 list of the world’s biggest firms as measured by digital media revenues in a survey published on Monday by research and advisory firm Strategy Analytics.
To be honest, for a company that isn't American to gain so much popularity, its a good thing. I feel like its always american companies and celebrities to have it all, a change is good. 

Sun journalist avoids jail after conviction for handling MP’s phone

A senior Sun journalist has avoided jail after being convicted of handling a Labour MP’s stolen mobile phone to read private texts about the Miliband brothers’ leadership battle.
Nick Parker, the Sun’s chief foreign correspondent, received a three month sentence suspended for 12 months after being found guilty at the Old Bailey on Tuesday of possessing Siobhain McDonagh’s stolen BlackBerry.
To be honest, I think that it was only right that he was convicted as what he did goes against privacy and i feel that it should be dealt with quite severely. 

Nick Parker

Monday 8 December 2014

A pluralist would argue that the audience have a lot of power when it comes down to being powerful in terms of consumption and production. Audiences are now entitled to 'conform, accommodate or reject what they want to watch according to Gurevitch. Also, looking at Katz and Blumers theory of users and gratification, the audiences can watch what they want to watch. Meaning if the audiences didn't appreciate what was being shown on television, they can 'reject' and the programme is most likely to lose their audience and probably go off air.  Looking at the protest that's taking place in Ferguson for the loss of Mike Brown who was unfairly shot by a police officer, many people are now protesting and going against such a powerful institution. Couple years ago, without citizen journalism, a policeman would've probably gotten away with committing such a thing. However, with the advanced technologies and social sites, the audience can now present their views and not necessarily agree with the important, powerful institution.
Yahoo replaces Google as default search engine in US for Firefox

Yahoo has struck a deal to become the default search engine on the Firefox internet browser in the US, replacing Google and its ten year partnership with the company. Yahoo chief executive Marissa Mayer called the five-year deal with Firefox’s parent company Mozilla “the most significant partnership for Yahoo in five years”.
I was surprised to see this as Google has now been able to bought most of the other websites which probably giving them a great amount of money and wealth. Google was able to buy many other websites and now Yahoo aswell.

Vine shifts from comedy clips to a valid journalistic tool


Vine is a video sharing app that allows a user to film and edit six-second clips, which loop continuously, and post them online. It was founded in June 2012 and was bought by Twitter in October the same year. It now claims 100 million people are watching Vines each month. It was recently found to have become very popular with the public, mainly twitter users.

I think that this shows how Vine is now a news source whereas traditionally we would have a man and a woman giving the news on television. This shows how everything has switched lately and caused changes. This also reinforces the idea of citizen journalism.

Mail Online TV: what would it be like?

The startling reality format, dreamed up for Charlie Brooker’s rage-fuelled spoof tv listings site TvGoHome, asked the terrifying question: what would happen to an isolated group fed only on a diet of the Daily Mail? The answer: public hangings for masturbation, among other things. The TV spin-off also featured a man who started behaving like Fred Basset, until his impersonation of the wry cartoon dog is punished with a brutal stoning on the beach.
Some producers in the US don’t think so, and have approached the online organ with the idea of turning it into a celebrity focused magazine show, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Messaging apps' next threads: encryption, payments, media and ads

Until now, there have been two distinct classes of messaging apps: the big, mainstream ones, and the group focusing specifically on encryption and privacy, including TextSecure, Telegram, Hemlis, Threema, Wickr and others.
 That may be changing, with the biggest signpost being WhatsApp’s recent addition of end-to-end encryption to its Android app with iOS to follow. It’s working with the company behind TextSecure, Open Whisper Systems, which described the partnership as “the largest deployment of end-to-end encrypted communication in history”.
 The aim with this technology is to reassure users that even if the provider of their messaging app wanted to share their messages with intelligence agencies, they wouldn’t be able to. That’s a point Apple has made about its iMessages system too.

I personally think this is a very good idea as Beyond adding in features like voice calls and video chat, four main paths are emerging, although they’re by no means mutually exclusive: privacy, payments, media and ads, with the latter including advertising.
The messaging apps share some simple goals: they want to attract more users, retain the loyalty of the ones they have already, and find ways to make money that don’t conflict with the first two aims.

BBC Panorama documentary deeply irresponsible, says Mazher Mahmood

The BBC pulled the scheduled documentary with minutes to go on Monday night, citing new information from Mahmood’s lawyers delivered just 90 minutes before transmission. Mahmood’s letter denies this, accusing the BBC of issuing “misleading” statements. He also criticised the BBC’s behaviour since Panorama’s allegations were put to him in October, saying that its executives “publicised the fact that their programme will condemn me, called me a ‘crook’ and tweeted mocking messages.”
In my opinion, I think that Mahmood had all the reasons in the world to be accusing the BBC for pledging to broadcast about his career as an investigate journalist. He called the documentary “extremely revealing” and “squarely in the public interest”. I think that his point of view is understandable as he was exposed and no one deserves that. 

Let’s get over the whole 'newspapers are dying' thing

This article focuses on how people  assume digital media companies operate in some magical overhead-free universe with infinitely ascending online advertising rates, and that newspapers are permanently anchored to declining print revenues. So let’s get over the whole “newspapers are dying” thing. They’re certainly moving in lots of creative new directions (and eventually they may ascend out of physical world altogether - holograms, maybe?), but they’re definitely not going gently into that good night.

I personally think that this article has elements of truth. Although there is an evident decline in news papers, this could just mean that there a new creative things that are being thought on. 
Murdoch Pay Wall

I personally think that BBC should be allowed to post free information. Although it makes it hard when it comes down to the market, not everyone is able to pay for what they see online. Many other companies dislike the BBC because they offer free information. In their argument if the BBC is able to provide free news online, then why would anyone go through the extra mile of paying for it? The only reason to why the BBC do it is because they are licensed so they receive money either way.
 Rupert Murdoch has tried to use facilities to make a profit out the information that is posted online by charging people who want to have access to it. I think that his way of trying to make money out of the internet as technology changes is smart but I think that not a lot of people are willing to pay for it . He is trying to use the changes that occur in technology to his advantage but I personally don't think he is achieving. No one is willing to pay for something when they can receive it for free.  I think he needs to realise this competition and try to make profit using different methods.
Facebook Safety Check will help tell friends you're safe during disasters

 This article focuses on the new feature of facebook. From now on if any of your friends from facebook are involved in any natural disasters facebook will inform you if they are safe or not. Safety Check will work on the social network’s mobile and desktop versions, including its Android and iOS apps. “We’ll determine your location by looking at the city you have listed in your profile, your last location if you’ve opted in to the Nearby Friends product, and the city where you are using the internet,” explained Facebook’s Naimo Gleit. This shows that facebook is updating for those who have access to facebook but live in countries that face many natural disasters.

I personally believe that this is a very good way of informing people. For example there was a recent natural disaster that took place in the middle east and it was showed in the news all the family members that were able to escape were trying so hard to find out what happened to their relatives. I think that what facebook should do is try to help people who are not only involved un natural disasters for example the plane that went missing on the plane.

Build the Wall Analysis

Section one focuses on the pay wall to their audience and its targeted to New York times and Washington post.

Section two focuses on it’ll be effective and useful.

Section three focuses on the decline in newspaper and why they have appeared

Section four focuses on the times and post where going to become online basis

This newspaper article focuses on the online paywall and how it’s going to be successful.

 This discusses the effects if The Times and The Post were to move to an online basis. It also talks about the values and qualities of newspaper and how the newspaper will try to attract a bigger audience. It mentions how newspapers don’t take advantage of the internet and this has caused a decline in the newspaper.  Washington post and the times have learnt that if they put a higher price they won’t need to resort into a paywall. This can only become possible if the newspaper reaches a higher selling point and attracts a wider audience.

Comment 1)  Most of the folks writing about the paywall issue are assuming that because only 5-10 percent of the current online readership will sign up for web content, it will be a failure. Actually, the folks behind the paywall effort don't care if anyone signs up for online content. The entire point is to push people into print subscriptions. It could be that some newspapers or groups won't even offer an online-only option. It will just be a free giveaway with print. - See more at: http://www.cjr.org/feature/build_the_wall_1.php?page=all#sthash.wnwwtr7m.dpuf

This commenter talks thinks that this idea of paywall is waste. They argue that thinking that people will be singing up for news is a waste of time. They believe that the people behind pay wall don’t care if anyone actually signs up for they only care is to push people into print subscription.

 Comment 2) Dear Yelvington, Why do you feel the need to "reduce" anything? How about something that has gradations and nuances and some dynamic standing on its own, without being made a sound bite for the ignorant. I guess that's what the Internet is good for. Reduction to simple, monochromatic imagery and phrases. Congrats on rising to this new medium's current level of unedited, unchallenged intellectual mediocrity. #17 Posted by homer bigart, CJR on Sat 18 Jul 2009 at 01:14 PM - See more at: http://www.cjr.org/feature/build_the_wall_1.php?page=all#sthash.wnwwtr7m.dpuf

This commenter argues that there’s no point in reducing something that can stand on its own.  This commenter believes that if anything is going to be reduced it should be something that is of importance . This commenter goes to congratulating for the rise the levels of unedited unchallenged intellectual mediocrity.

Comment 3)  The reason why newspapers are struggling now is not entirely because of a free online product and low online ad revenue. The reason newspapers are hurting is because the car industry went kerplunk. I would guess that NY Times readership has increased since it went online. It's just waiting to find a way to capitalize on that readership. Once someone figures out a way to do that, then problem will take care of its self. Also if NYTIMES and WP start charging we'll all just go to CNN.com. We will be less informed but we will also not have paid for something we believed should be free. - See more at: http://www.cjr.org/feature/build_the_wall_1.php?page=all#sthash.wnwwtr7m.dpuf

This commenter argues that the reasons to why there is a massive decline in newspaper are different to what it is being argued.  They believe that newspaper is hurting is because of the ‘car industry’ went kerplunk.  They believe that NY times has increased readership since it went online and this is a success.

I personally believe that technology is increasing and due to this fact news paper is becoming neglected and decline more and more.  Placing paywall might help journalist get paid for their services as right now not many journalist are making as much as journalist used to make before. I don't believe this is a successful idea as news is exposed everyday on the internet for people so there is no meaning for them to be hiding their news and charging for it as people have different sources to receive news online as well as social interactions sites like twitter. From a personal point of view I would never pay for something that I can receive for free, that is just stupidity. His idea of charging for news is smart but it won't be effective unless the bbc leave the competition

Monday 24 November 2014

Tutorials targets
Analysis needs to be in great depths- completed https://naimzhussein.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=TZdT40kBAAA.RVQbL402d3yNvXQtajVBCw.AAmjExPJW1BbrRmhEKMn0Q&postId=1808733179352204944&type=POST
 Finish of the tasks that were given for homework- completed https://naimzhussein.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=TZdT40kBAAA.RVQbL402d3yNvXQtajVBCw.AAmjExPJW1BbrRmhEKMn0Q&postId=1808733179352204944&type=POST
 Change the topic question as the presentation's topic wasn't good-completed https://naimzhussein.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=701U40kBAAA.RVQbL402d3yNvXQtajVBCw.Wmg5nWe1EKZcqOE4n1KT-A&postId=2748878146909724000&type=POST
 Look more into feminism and to weather Nicki Minaj challenges or reinforces stereotypes in her music- ongoing
 Include more quotes- on going http://naimzhussein.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/minaj-briefly-signed-with-brooklyn.html
 Look closely into her music videos- completed
Remain relevant at all times, don't go off topic- completed
Drop down the sources of the quotations-  https://naimzhussein.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=TZdT40kBAAA.RVQbL402d3yNvXQtajVBCw.AAmjExPJW1BbrRmhEKMn0Q&postId=1808733179352204944&type=POSTcompleted http://naimzhussein.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/internet-links-httpwww.html
Set up a good argument- completed  https://naimzhussein.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=TZdT40kBAAA.RVQbL402d3yNvXQtajVBCw.AAmjExPJW1BbrRmhEKMn0Q&postId=1808733179352204944&type=POST


The commercial approach celebrity mentions that the BBC apted for an informal mode of address and young people o front its factual programmes, Bravo and Sky One have enlisted the help of celebrities to promote their most successful documentary standard. Nicki Minaj: My Truth is a three-part special of never-before-seen footage of Nicki Minaj in her personal and professional life. Part 1 of the trilogy will premiere on E! on Sunday November 4, 2012 at 10:30pm EST. The following two episodes will air the following two Sundays (November 11 and November 18, 2012). In the documentary we discover that The rumor was confirmed by E! on September 28. E! confirmed that the Young Money rapper is set to appear in three specials on the network beginning in November.[3] This is hardly the first time Minaj has been the subject of a special of this nature. Back in 2010, she let MTV cameras into her life for "My Time Now." On October 28, 2012, a fan asked Nicki on Twitter if My Truth will be My Time Now on steriods, she replied by saying, "yes babe". It has been revealed that we will see some studio footage of The Re-Up, Nicki's house, and her without makeup on. We won't see her real hair though. The magazine also goes to continue what  the genres in documenteries include and how they have kept up with the audience’s pace of changing and such to fit in the audiences desires. 1. Poetic documentaries, which first appeared in the 1920’s, were a sort of reaction against both the content and the rapidly crystallizing grammar of the early fiction film. The poetic mode moved away from continuity editing and instead organized images of the material world by means of associations and patterns, both in terms of time and space. Well-rounded characters—’life-like people’—were absent; instead, people appeared in these films as entities, just like any other, that are found in the material world. The films were fragmentary, impressionistic, lyrical. Their disruption of the coherence of time and space—a coherence favored by the fiction films of the day—can also be seen as an element of the modernist counter-model of cinematic narrative. The ‘real world’—Nichols calls it the “historical world”—was broken up into fragments and aesthetically reconstituted using film form.

Examples: Joris Ivens’ Rain (1928), whose subject is a passing summer shower over Amsterdam; Laszlo Moholy-Nagy’s Play of Light: Black, White, Grey (1930), in which he films one of his own kinetic sculptures, emphasizing not the sculpture itself but the play of light around it; Oskar Fischinger’s abstract animated films; Francis Thompson’s N.Y., N.Y. (1957), a city symphony film; Chris Marker’s Sans Soleil (1982).

2. Expository documentaries speak directly to the viewer, often in the form of an authoritative commentary employing voiceover or titles, proposing a strong argument and point of view. These films are rhetorical, and try to persuade the viewer. (They may use a rich and sonorous male voice.) The (voice-of-God) commentary often sounds ‘objective’ and omniscient. Images are often not paramount; they exist to advance the argument. The rhetoric insistently presses upon us to read the images in a certain fashion. Historical documentaries in this mode deliver an unproblematic and ‘objective’ account and interpretation of past events.

3. Observational documentaries attempt to simply and spontaneously observe lived life with a minimum of intervention. Filmmakers who worked in this sub-genre often saw the poetic mode as too abstract and the expository mode as too didactic. The first observational docs date back to the 1960’s; the technological developments which made them possible include mobile lighweight cameras and portable sound recording equipment for synchronized sound. Often, this mode of film eschewed voice-over commentary, post-synchronized dialogue and music, or re-enactments. The films aimed for immediacy, intimacy, and revelation of individual human character in ordinary life situations.

4. Participatory documentaries believe that it is impossible for the act of filmmaking to not influence or alter the events being filmed. What these films do is emulate the approach of the anthropologist: participant-observation. Not only is the filmmaker part of the film, we also get a sense of how situations in the film are affected or altered by her presence. Nichols: “The filmmaker steps out from behind the cloak of voice-over commentary, steps away from poetic meditation, steps down from a fly-on-the-wall perch, and becomes a social actor (almost) like any other. (Almost like any other because the filmmaker retains the camera, and with it, a certain degree of potential power and control over events.)” The encounter between filmmaker and subject becomes a critical element of the film. Rouch and Morin named the approach cinéma vérité, translating Dziga Vertov’s kinopravda into French; the “truth” refers to the truth of the encounter rather than some absolute truth.

Examples: Vertov’s The Man with a Movie Camera (1929); Rouch and Morin’s Chronicle of a Summer (1960); Ross McElwee’s Sherman’s March (1985); Nick Broomfield’s films. I suspect Michael Moore’s films would also belong here, although they have a strong ‘expository’ bent as well.

5. Reflexive documentaries don’t see themselves as a transparent window on the world; instead they draw attention to their own constructedness, and the fact that they are representations. How does the world get represented by documentary films? This question is central to this sub-genre of films. They prompt us to “question the authenticity of documentary in general.” It is the most self-conscious of all the modes, and is highly skeptical of ‘realism.’ It may use Brechtian alienation strategies to jar us, in order to ‘defamiliarize’ what we are seeing and how we are seeing it.

6. Performative documentaries stress subjective experience and emotional response to the world. They are strongly personal, unconventional, perhaps poetic and/or experimental, and might include hypothetical enactments of events designed to make us experience what it might be like for us to possess a certain specific perspective on the world that is not our own, e.g. that of black, gay men in Marlon Riggs’s Tongues Untied (1989) or Jenny Livingston’s Paris Is Burning (1991). This sub-genre might also lend itself to certain groups (e.g. women, ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, etc) to ‘speak about themselves.’ Often, a battery of techniques, many borrowed from fiction or avant-garde films, are used. Performative docs often link up personal accounts or experiences with larger political or historical realities.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Americans increasingly follow midterms using social media and mobile

This article focuses on how many Americans were able to to vote during social media on mobile phones. In an election where virtually all the candidates are using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media. This has put many Americans in advantage as it was a quicker process for them to vote. Feeling more personally connected to political candidates or groups was a “major reason” why 35% of respondents said they follow political figures on social media, little changed from the 36% who cited this as a major factor in 2010.

I personally think that mobile phones and social sites have obviously made it a lot easier for people to vote and this is an advantage when this issue is looked at politically as more people vote so it becomes much more realistic in terms of who wins the elections.  Also, as said in the article they feel more ‘connected’ which is a great advantage. 

News values has it happened recently?

Immediacy is more important than ever due to news breaking on Twitter or elsewhere online. However, this in turn changes the approach of other news sources such as newspapers as the news will probably already be broken so different angles might be required. Newspapers now contain more comment or opinion rather than the breaking story.

Familiarity: is it culturally close to us in Britain?
This is very important due to the decline in news papers.People are only willing to pay for something that will effect them.

Amplitude:is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people?
 People would only be willing to be paying for a story that would affect them so journalists need to try hard to find stories that effect the citizens.

Frequency: did the event happen fairly quickly?
People are most likely to be purchasing news papers if what the events that took place are shocking. If an event has taken place before, people are less likely to pay for it.

Ambiguity: is it clear and definite?
News papers articles need to make sure that the stories in the news are explained properly this is because when people receive news from social websites they try to look for clarity. 

Predictability did we expect it to happen?
Audiences are most like to pay for something that they didn't predict to be on the news. For example, the plane that went missing. There was a lot people that purchased news papers just to see what the fuss was about. 

Surprise is it a rare or unexpected event?
With social rumours that tend to spread faster these days, people are less likely to be shocked to see surprising stories on the news.

Continuity has this story already been defined as news?
Journalists also need to make sure that the stories that appear are not just an event that is repetitive. This is because people are less likely to buy news paper to read about what they've previously read. 

Elite nation which country has the event happened in? Does the story concern well-known people?
News paper stories are most likely to cover a less important story if an important person or a celebrity is involved. If someone who was less known had something important happening to them, they would less likely get covering. 

Negativity is it bad news?
News papers are most likely to cover stories with bad news. This because people are most likely to buy news paper if they hear rumours about something negative happening rather than something good. News industries feed of negative news. 

Balance the story may be selected to balance other news, such as a human survival story to balance a number of stories concerning death.
Due to social websites, institutions have to adapt stories to fit in the audiences interest or else they risk in a bigger decline. 

Wednesday 22 October 2014

RIP ‘RIP’: we need to be more creative with mourning in the digital age

Lynda Bellingham in March 2014

Rest in peace. That three-word phrase, expressing a sincere hope that the dead will find peace in the afterlife, is a fitting inscription for a tombstone, and now a very popular hashtag on social media. The deeply sad news this morning that the actor Lynda Bellingham had died was met with a flood of tributes from friends and colleagues. Thousands of people who had never met her also joined in on social media networks such as Twitter, making the top trend in the UK.

This article focuses on the popularity of the word 'RIP' in the social media which means rest in peace which refers to the prayers of the dead finding peace in the afterlife. This article also mentions that the hash tag of RIP and the persons name that has died has had an increase in terms of the usage. I can see how “rest in peace” would be a desperate hope for the dead from the living, but we have more options. If the internet allows us all to participate in collective mourning, then it should also demand that we do so more creatively.

Friday 17 October 2014

Build the Wall Analysis

Section one focuses on the pay wall to their audience and its targeted to New York times and Washington post.

Section two focuses on it’ll be effective and useful.

Section three focuses on the decline in newspaper and why they have appeared

Section four focuses on the times and post where going to become online basis

This newspaper article focuses on the online paywall and how it’s going to be successful.

 This discusses the effects if The Times and The Post were to move to an online basis. It also talks about the values and qualities of newspaper and how the newspaper will try to attract a bigger audience. It mentions how newspapers don’t take advantage of the internet and this has caused a decline in the newspaper.  Washington post and the times have learnt that if they put a higher price they won’t need to resort into a paywall. This can only become possible if the newspaper reaches a higher selling point and attracts a wider audience.

Comment 1)  Most of the folks writing about the paywall issue are assuming that because only 5-10 percent of the current online readership will sign up for web content, it will be a failure. Actually, the folks behind the paywall effort don't care if anyone signs up for online content. The entire point is to push people into print subscriptions. It could be that some newspapers or groups won't even offer an online-only option. It will just be a free giveaway with print. - See more at: http://www.cjr.org/feature/build_the_wall_1.php?page=all#sthash.wnwwtr7m.dpuf

This commenter talks thinks that this idea of paywall is waste. They argue that thinking that people will be singing up for news is a waste of time. They believe that the people behind pay wall don’t care if anyone actually signs up for they only care is to push people into print subscription.

 Comment 2) Dear Yelvington, Why do you feel the need to "reduce" anything? How about something that has gradations and nuances and some dynamic standing on its own, without being made a sound bite for the ignorant. I guess that's what the Internet is good for. Reduction to simple, monochromatic imagery and phrases. Congrats on rising to this new medium's current level of unedited, unchallenged intellectual mediocrity. #17 Posted by homer bigart, CJR on Sat 18 Jul 2009 at 01:14 PM - See more at: http://www.cjr.org/feature/build_the_wall_1.php?page=all#sthash.wnwwtr7m.dpuf

This commenter argues that there’s no point in reducing something that can stand on its own.  This commenter believes that if anything is going to be reduced it should be something that is of importance . This commenter goes to congratulating for the rise the levels of unedited unchallenged intellectual mediocrity.

Comment 3)  The reason why newspapers are struggling now is not entirely because of a free online product and low online ad revenue. The reason newspapers are hurting is because the car industry went kerplunk. I would guess that NY Times readership has increased since it went online. It's just waiting to find a way to capitalize on that readership. Once someone figures out a way to do that, then problem will take care of its self. Also if NYTIMES and WP start charging we'll all just go to CNN.com. We will be less informed but we will also not have paid for something we believed should be free. - See more at: http://www.cjr.org/feature/build_the_wall_1.php?page=all#sthash.wnwwtr7m.dpuf

This commenter argues that the reasons to why there is a massive decline in newspaper are different to what it is being argued.  They believe that newspaper is hurting is because of the ‘car industry’ went kerplunk.  They believe that NY times has increased readership since it went online and this is a success.

I personally believe that technology is increasing and due to this fact news paper is becoming neglected and decline more and more.  Placing paywall might help journalist get paid for their services as right now not many journalist are making as much as journalist used to make before. I don't believe this is a successful idea as news is exposed everyday on the internet for people so there is no meaning for them to be hiding their news and charging for it as people have different sources to receive news online as well as social interactions sites like twitter. From a personal point of view I would never pay for something that I can receive for free, that is just stupidity. His idea of charging for news is smart but it won't be effective unless the bbc leave the competition

Monday 13 October 2014

Everyday sexism in freshers week: the fightback starts here

The National Union of Students is investigating lad culture at universities.

This article focuses on sexism and and sexism victims. A survey took place over 2000 students. It showed that 37% of female and 12% of male had experienced unwanted groping or inappropriate touching. 36% of women had experienced unwanted sexual comments about their body. Two thirds said they had seen unwanted sexual comments directed at other students.
This survey shows that three fifths of respondent were not aware of any reporting procedures at their university.

My personal opinion on this is that sexism has being on for too long and its good that someone has finally realised the big impact it has on victims. But to be honest, only doing a survey on this problem isn't really enough, people need to know about sexism. Something new that I learnt from this article is that males are actually targeted, I always thought it was only females as they are more fragile 

Twitter to target film advertising to users tweeting about related movies

Twitter advertising

 This article talks about how twitter is preparing a new kind of targeted advertising that has filmgoers in its sight with tweets relating to users taste. This article also mentions how twitter has become world wide and it has an influence on movie choices as people are most likely to mention what movies they've watched or planning on watching. Now twitter will show certain advertisement based on what movies they are talking about.  

I think that this is a perfect opportunity to use twitter and make more money. I personally tweet about what movie I would like to watch or have already watched so I'm therefore looking forward to this. Also, I think that this might attract people to join twitter as this project that they are in process of introducing seems like a very smart idea.

They used to say 'print or digital'. But do we need to choose?

Woman reading Financial Times on iPad

This article focuses on how print has had a major decline in the last past years and how now people have the opportunity to choose between print or digital. It also talks about how news papers are becoming less and less used by people. John Ridding says "underscores our confidence in the unique and lasting value of print, which is profitable on its own, before advertising". This article also talks about how newspaper industries have started to expand the pages they had by adding television promotion to attract a wider audience to news papers.

In my opinion there has been a noticeable decrease in print. Now that people have access t the internet people don't feel the need to be wasting £3 pounds on newspapers when they can use it on other necessities. I personally think that the print industry needs to step up and come up with something that will interest their audience because currently the only people that would purchase a news paper is the older generation as they are used to it.
Research task: institutions

Companies:  BBC, guardian, Sun, ITV

YouTube videos of the ice bucket challenge pass 1bn views

YouTube's chart of ice bucket challenge videos.

This article focuses on the popularity of the ice bucket challenge. It has officially hit 1 bn viewers on google. People have concluded that this has been searched more than the harlem shake dance back in 2013.Claire Stapleton and Kevin Allocca claimed that “Ice Bucket” videos have been posted on YouTube from more than 150 countries,US charity The ALS Association has so far received $110.5m in donationsfrom the challenge, which involves people pouring buckets of iced water over their heads, then nominating others to follow suit and/or donate.

in my opinion, I think that the ice bucket challenge has become international as everyone is doing. Its a good thing that an act for charity was able to become really famous, so I'm guessing charities have been receiving a lot of money.

Five reasons why the Apple Watch won’t take off

The Apple Watch

This article focuses on the uselessness of the apple watch. Many people are concerned that apple items are too similar to previous ones, which causes people to think the same thing. Was there really a point in inventing it?  Many people have complained that the new apple watch has copied other companies therefore it lacks in originality. The new apple watch has been highly criticized in social media, many people questioning the purpose of the watch?

In my opinion, apple has disappointed me with their latest invention of apple. I think that they should be coming up with more original ideas that would surprise customers rather than making similar things. As the article says, many people who have already purchased have discovered that it doesn't even work. This is a huge disappointment from apple.   

Apple watch is very like the iPad. They've done the 'thing' very well, but is the 'thing' itself useful?- Benedict evans


When taking selfies in Trinidad, it's what's on the outside that matters

trinidad selfie

This article focuses on how 'selfies' have officially become worldwide.  This article debates on whether social media causes their users to create an unusual self-obsession for themselves. The study that took place in Trinidad shows that Caribbeans are more interested in what is visible on the surface rather than whats actually buried inside. This could connote that Caribbeans are more interested in how they look in 'selfies' rather than how someone is actually inside.   “What you see is what you get” is what someone that was interviewed said. This shows why Carribeans are most likely to be trying to look nice in pictures rather than looking nice in real life.

My opinion: 
Personally, I feel like 'selfies' have become a worldwide issues, where it seems like people are wasting too much time taking selfies rather than keeping themselves busy with more beneficial things. A lot of people have done many research to why selfies have become an issue.  Many researcher claim that to due to the increase of social media, social media users feel the need to be taking 'selfies' that will satisfy their 'followers' or 'friends.'
