Wednesday 5 November 2014

News values has it happened recently?

Immediacy is more important than ever due to news breaking on Twitter or elsewhere online. However, this in turn changes the approach of other news sources such as newspapers as the news will probably already be broken so different angles might be required. Newspapers now contain more comment or opinion rather than the breaking story.

Familiarity: is it culturally close to us in Britain?
This is very important due to the decline in news papers.People are only willing to pay for something that will effect them.

Amplitude:is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people?
 People would only be willing to be paying for a story that would affect them so journalists need to try hard to find stories that effect the citizens.

Frequency: did the event happen fairly quickly?
People are most likely to be purchasing news papers if what the events that took place are shocking. If an event has taken place before, people are less likely to pay for it.

Ambiguity: is it clear and definite?
News papers articles need to make sure that the stories in the news are explained properly this is because when people receive news from social websites they try to look for clarity. 

Predictability did we expect it to happen?
Audiences are most like to pay for something that they didn't predict to be on the news. For example, the plane that went missing. There was a lot people that purchased news papers just to see what the fuss was about. 

Surprise is it a rare or unexpected event?
With social rumours that tend to spread faster these days, people are less likely to be shocked to see surprising stories on the news.

Continuity has this story already been defined as news?
Journalists also need to make sure that the stories that appear are not just an event that is repetitive. This is because people are less likely to buy news paper to read about what they've previously read. 

Elite nation which country has the event happened in? Does the story concern well-known people?
News paper stories are most likely to cover a less important story if an important person or a celebrity is involved. If someone who was less known had something important happening to them, they would less likely get covering. 

Negativity is it bad news?
News papers are most likely to cover stories with bad news. This because people are most likely to buy news paper if they hear rumours about something negative happening rather than something good. News industries feed of negative news. 

Balance the story may be selected to balance other news, such as a human survival story to balance a number of stories concerning death.
Due to social websites, institutions have to adapt stories to fit in the audiences interest or else they risk in a bigger decline. 

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