Monday 13 October 2014

They used to say 'print or digital'. But do we need to choose?

Woman reading Financial Times on iPad

This article focuses on how print has had a major decline in the last past years and how now people have the opportunity to choose between print or digital. It also talks about how news papers are becoming less and less used by people. John Ridding says "underscores our confidence in the unique and lasting value of print, which is profitable on its own, before advertising". This article also talks about how newspaper industries have started to expand the pages they had by adding television promotion to attract a wider audience to news papers.

In my opinion there has been a noticeable decrease in print. Now that people have access t the internet people don't feel the need to be wasting £3 pounds on newspapers when they can use it on other necessities. I personally think that the print industry needs to step up and come up with something that will interest their audience because currently the only people that would purchase a news paper is the older generation as they are used to it.

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